WhatsApp Business How It Works for Shops – Cliento School

WhatsApp is a popular messaging application that, like others, is also used by shopkeepers , like you, to communicate with their customers in a more personal way.

Oh yes, but WhatsApp is not just any app: it is the most used messaging application . It is estimated that 95.1% of users who use messaging apps have WhatsApp. In other words almost all of them. While Facebook’s Messenger application is used by only 64.9% (Source: Statista).

And that’s not all

Just think that more than half of the Italian population uses WhatsApp , 59% to be precise (Source: Hootsuite) and it is also the preferred app in many other European countries , such as Switzerland, Germany and Spain.

WhatsApp Europe Spread Map

These data demonstrate how widespread WhatsApp is and it is not surprising. That many companies and shops also take advantage of this additional switzerland whatsApp number database communication channel . However, not everyone knows that in addition to the classic version of WhatsApp. There is an enhanced version dedicated specifically to companies, it is WhatsApp Business and it is precisely this version that is the protagonist of this article.

Why WhatsApp Business for your store?

WhatsApp is useful for retailers to communicate more directly and immediately with customers or potential customers, in fact, we are talking about “one to one” communication. Rather than one to many , as happens with other channels such as newsletters for example, where you are addressing an “indistinct mass” of individuals.

Instead, with a messaging application you establish a more personal relationship . And this perception of a close relationship is also present. When you send the same message to multiple people via broadcast lists. (Which we will see later), it is precisely a characteristic that is found in the nature of the medium. Because everyone expects to speak on WhatsApp with only one person . In short, this type of communication, even if it happens in the virtual world, is very similar to face-to-face communication , which is why it is a perfect channel for retail sales.

Not only that, we all know

From personal experience, that instant messages create a sense of urgency in the recipient who, as soon as they see a notification on their cell phone, is dying of switzerland mobile phone number list curiosity to see what it is. And the data regarding opening rates confirms this: on average, the open rate for emails is 20-35%, while for messaging apps it is 70-80% ! In short, there is a much greater probability that the message will actually be read.

Furthermore, it is a fully-fledged telematic sales tool that allows you to accept orders, even if you do not have an e-commerce, but also reservations to be collected in the store, for example.

And then?

Then, it is an additional way to provide customer assistance. Because you can use it to communicate that the ordered product has arrived in the store. Or that the store is closed for holidays. Remind you of an appointment or respond directly to requests for pre- or post-sale assistance.

WhatsApp is an extra smart communication dt data channel because it can also be integrated. With the website and Facebook, so it could also become your chosen channel, given its versatility.

It is also a tool that you

Can use internally with your salespeople, for example you can create. A shared group where you can talk even remotely, to leave reminders or share end-of-day KPIs. In short, it can be a meeting place where all the staff can give updates, stay informed and ask questions.