This route passes Afghanistan

CAREC (Central Asian Regional Economic Cooperation) is a regional economic revitalization project targeting five. Central Asian countries: Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Mongolia, and Pakistan, focusing on. Development activities and investments in six transport corridors.

A total of 105 CAREC transport corridor transport projects have been implemented, most of which focus on. The development of land transport networks such as railways and roads.

In addition, 4,970 km of road extensions have been. Built or improved, and 3,190 km of railway lines have been built or rebuilt.

○ CAREC Transport Corridor 1: Europe-East Asia

– The first transport corridor is the most developed of the six afghanistan phone number database transport corridors selected by CAREC. This route, which connects Europe, China, and East Asia, runs from the Russian border through Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan to China.

– The total road length of this route is 13,600 km, the total railway length is 12,000 km, and one logistics center and three airports are in operation.

– The second transport corridor connects

The Caucasus and Mediterranean regions with East Asia, passing afghanistan phone number list through Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, and China.

– The total road length of this route is 9,900 km, the railway line is 9,700 km, and there are six logistics centers.

– The third transport corridor starts from southwestern Siberia in. Russia and connects the Middle East and South Asia via Afghanistan. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

– The total road length of this section is 6,900 km, the total rail length is 4,800 km, and one logistics center is in operation.

– The fourth transport corridor connects Russia and East Asia via Mongolia and China. The total road length of this section is 2,400 km, and the total rail length is 1,100 km.

○ CAREC Transport Corridor 5: East Asia – Middle East and South Asia

– The fifth transport corridor connects East Asia and dt data the Arabian Sea via Central Asia. This route passes Afghanistan.

– The total road length of this section is 3,700 km. The total rail length is 2,000 km, and one logistics center is in operation.

– The sixth transport corridor includes. Three routes connecting Europe and Russia to Karachi and. Gwadar on the Arabian Sea or Bandar Abbas ports on the Persian Gulf.

– The total road length of this section is 10,600 km. The rail length is 7,200 km, and five logistics centers are in operation.