Gyeongnam Fisheries By-product Recycling Regulatory Free Zone Startup and Commercialization

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (Minister Oh Young-joo, hereinafter referre to as the Ministry of SMEs and Startups) will hold the “Fishery By-product Recycling Startup and Commercialization Competition” in collaboration with Gyeongsangnam-do and Dongwon F&B, and will Recruit participants start

Tuesday the 24th.

*Fishery by-product: Parts that are not utilize in the process of producing, processing, distributing, and selling fishery products. In the case of fish, it mainly includes inible parts such as the head, entrails, skin, and bones.

Fish by-products contain raw materials for

High value-add products such as pharmaceuticals, materials, and health functional foods, such as collagen (skin), calcium (bone), and enzymes (entrails). Iceland, an advanc fishery industry iceland phone number database country, systematically supporte the recycling of fishery by-products by establishing a fishery cluster (IOC, Iceland Ocean Cluster). As a result, it was able to achieve a 90% recycling rate of cod by-products and increase the value of cod by-products from $12 (fertilizer, compost) to $5,000 (meicines, cosmetics, food, etc.).

However, due to the absence of a management system for recycling fish by-products in Korea, the recycling rate is only around 25%, and they are recycle into low value-adde products such as compost and aquaculture.

* “The 1st Basic Plan for Recycling Fisheries By-products” (Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, ‘23.1)

In order to create a high value-adde industrial ecosystem through recycling of fish by-products in Korea, the Ministry of SMEs and Startups designate the “Fishery By-product Recycling Regulatory-Free Special Zone” in Gyeongsangnam-do in April. 15 special zone operators, including Dongwon F&B, an anchor company in Gyeongsangnam-do, and Gyeongsang National University, a university specializing in the fisheries industry, plan to participate in the special zone to establish standards for recycling fish by-products.

Taking advantage of the designation of the special zone,

The “Fishery By-product Startup and Commercialization iceland phone number list Competition” will be held to increase the utilization of fish by-products as a high value-adde resource and to discover various successful cases for establishing standards for recycling fish by-products.

In line with the purpose of the special zone to create high value-adde. Products using fish by-products, this competition is open to not only companies relate to the fisheries industry, but also companies from all over the country, including bio, mical, beauty, anti-aging, and advanc materials companies that create high value-adde products using fish by-products, without any restrictions on the industry.

Awards will be given in three categories:

△Entrepreneurship (in business for less than 7 years), △Commercialization (in business for more than 7 years), and △Incubation (for prospective entrepreneurs and those in business for less than 3 years), with a total of 9 companies dt data selecte for the Grand Prize, Excellence Prize, and Encouragement Prize, and a total of 36 million won in prize money. In particular, the companies winning the Grand Prizes in the △Entrepreneurship and △Commercialization categories will ① be supporte by Dongwon F&B with raw materials, facilities, and manpower.