Global Overview Report and Reports created by Data Reportal provide an overview of digital marketing in Brazil and around the world
Every digital marketing professional is aware of the dynamism of the online environment. Driven by the need to adapt to user behavior, new technologies and trends are launched every year, as well as new strategies that emerge and actions to impact the public evolve.
The key to reaching new heights in this area is the constant search for trends and insights that bring significant results to your business. The best way to do this is simple: data analysis.
What are Data Reportal’s Digital 2024:
Global Overview Report and Digital 2024: Brazil reports?
In recent years, Data Reportal has established itself as one of the leading references in internet research. In 2024, it launched the Digital 2024: Global Overview Report and Digital 2024: Brazil. These reports, produced in partnership netherlands whatsapp number list with important institutions such as Statista, Similarweb,, Semrush, GWI and SocialInsider, reveal information about the current state of the web on a global and national level.
Almost ⅔ of people use the internet in the world
For many, it is difficult to imagine life without the internet. And this is no wonder. The penetration of the world wide web reached almost ⅔ of the population in 2024 with the addition of 97 million new users. This number exceeds the urban population of the world, which comprises 57.7% of the inhabitants.
The population of the planet is 8.08 billion people
69.4% of the global population uses mobile devices (5.61 billion)
66.2% of the global population uses the internet (5.35 billion)
The total number of active social media user identities amounts to 62.3% of the population (5.04 billion)
The use of mobile devices is even greater, which means that there is still a portion of people who use portable devices without access to the web.
Percentage of users accessing the internet with smartphones:
96.5% (+4.6% compared to the previous year)
Users accessing the internet from netherlands consumer email list desktops or tablets: 61.8% (-5.8% compared to the previous year)
The numbers above demonstrate a trend that has been discussed for some time within digital marketing: the vast majority of users are using the internet on their cell phones.
In other words, all content created for online channels must be optimized for its mobile version and, in many cases, this should be the main focus, especially when we think about content for social networks.
Internet growth has been almost 100% in the last decade
Although it is no longer a novelty, the internet DT Data is still a relatively new creation and its expansion is a considerably recent phenomenon.
Digital inclusion grew 95.8% between 2014 and 2024
Internet penetration is 82.5% in South America
47.6% of India’s population remains offline (603.7 million)
89.4% of the Central African Republic’s population remains offline (5.2 million)
Despite the slowdown in the growth curve, internet adoption continues to expand. This is a natural and expected trend, given that there are barriers to digital inclusion, such as countries that require adequate infrastructure or government sanctions.
This increase, although only 1.85% compared to the beginning of 2023, represents a growth of 95.85% over the last 10 years.