How Puerto Rican Phone Numbers Work

How Puerto Rican Numbers Work A Complete Guide to Puerto Rican Phone Numbers

Puerto Rico, being a state territory of the United States, makes use of the North American Numbering Plan. As such, Puerto Rican phone numbers share the same general structure as that of the continental United States and Canada.

The General Format

A general Puerto Rican phone number has 10 digits, which include:

1: The country code of the United States and Canada.
Area Code: Three digits identifying the call’s location.
Exchange Code: Another three digits that narrow further the location within an area code.
Line Number: Four digits, which specifically identify a line.

Common Area Codes in Puerto Rico

Though multiple area codes are present in Puerto Rico, the most common ones used are:

787: Mainly the most common and widely used by the big population of the island.
939: A more recent area code brought online to meet growing demand.
Other Area Codes:

269: In use with certain Puerto Rico Phone Number Database government and military services.
407: Government and military, with select access to the general public.
Searching for a Puerto Rico Phone Number

There are a couple of different ways in which you can search for a Puerto Rico phone number:

Online Directories:

Whitepages, Yellow Pages, and Google Maps provide one of the most complete directories of all the Puerto Rican phone numbers.
Business Websites: Most businesses in Puerto Rico have listed their phone numbers on their websites. Social Media: A number of businesses and people list their telephone numbers on their social media profiles.

Directory Assistance:

You can also find phone numbers through 411, or a directory assistance application. International Dialing

If you are calling a Puerto Rico DT Data number from any country other than the United States or Canada, you must use an international calling prefix, such as 00 or +, along with the country code, 1, plus the Puerto Rico number you are trying to reach.


To call a Puerto Rico number from Europe, you would dial 001-787-555-1212.
Mobile Phone Numbers

Mobile phone numbers in Puerto Rico are identical to landline numbers beginning with the area code. Some major mobile carriers include: AT&T, T-Mobile, and Claro.

Additional Tips

If unsure of the area code, one may want to use an online search or call directory assistance.
If business or government in nature, it is very often helpful to know the location or department.
Go to Puerto Rico and get a local SIM card so that you can receive cheap mobile rates.
Knowing how the basic structure of Puerto Rican phone numbers works, and finding some of the available resources will enable you to find the number you seek with ease.

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