Greek marketplace you should know

The history of the Skroutz platform is similar to the history of our native Ceneo. The service was Greece marketplace founded in 2005 as a price comparison site. This is not the only similarity connecting Skroutz with other Polish platforms.

Skroutz means miser in Greek Greece marketplace

So this word inspired the creators of the platform comparing prices not only in Poland but also in Greece.

With the dynamic development of the

platform. Decisions were made to expand the service with theĀ greece phone number list functions of a sales platform (marketplace). Allowing users to make a purchase directly on the platform – previously. Skroutz only aggregated offers and then redirected to the online store page. Where the transaction could be completed.

Currently. Both models operate on the platform – both the classic comparison of offers with redirection to an external store. As well as sales on Skroutz’s own marketplace.


How to start selling on Skroutz?

To start selling on this Greek marketplace. You first need to fill out the registration form available at

Importantly. Although Skroutz still allows you to redirect traffic to your Greece WhatsApp Number List website. The seller can choose to sell exclusively on the marketplace model. Which does not require you to have an online store located in Greece.

After completing the registration form

You must complete the necessary documentation and go through the DT Data customer verification process (KYC – from English. Know Your Customer ). This process is standard and should not cause any additional difficulties.

The entire registration process takes about 7-10 days. And in case of any problems we can count on quick help from the Skroutz support department. Which communicates in English without any problems.