While assessing the quality of a database of phone numbers, the following is a set of measures that could be tracked:
1. Data Accuracy
Correctness Rate: The number of valid phone numbers compared to total records.
Error Rate: The number of wrong or invalid phone numbers.
2. Completeness
Missing Data Rate: The number of records with no phone number.
Field Completeness: How many of the records have all the required fields like name and address.
3. Duplication
Duplicate Record Rate:
The number of records that are exactly duplicating the records in the database.
Unique Entry Count: The number of unique phone numbers in the database.
4. Format Consistency
Standard Format Rate: This is the percentage Afghanistan Phone Number List of records that are in a specified format; for example, E.164.
International Format Compliance: What % of phone numbers meet international dialing format standards.
5. Timeliness
Refresh Rate: Periodic refreshment or renewal of data for changes in data.
Stale Data Rate: Proportion of stale phone numbers that are unverified or not updated in a given period.
6. Validation
Verification Rate:
The proportion of verified phone Mailing Data numbers from independent data sources or validation tools.
Bounce Rate : Proportion of calls/messages at unsuccessful numbers.
7. Engagement Metrics
Success Rate: The total number of successful interactions-meaning calls/messages per phone number.
Opt-out Rate: Identifying the number of recipients who have opted-out from messages.
8. Segmentation Quality
Segmentation Accuracy: Provides the segmentation ability of the phone numbers into groups based on demographics or usage pattern.
9. Compliance
Compliance Rate to Regulations: Total number of records compliant with data protection regulations like GDPR and TCPA.
This will surely ensure tracking of a quality phone number database, which is important to keep up proficient communication and engagement with customers.
Article Publisher : Dt Data